Título da Dissertação: RUBIM (Leonurus sibiricus) e MASTRUZ (Chenopodium ambrosioides L.) COMO INGREDIENTES NA PRODUÇÃO DE CERVEJA ARTESANAL

Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Paula Toshimi Matumoto Pintro

Data da Defesa:17/06/2021

INTRODUCTION. Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. The principal’s ingredients used for brewing process is malt and hops (Humulus lupulus). Hops were used as preservative agent for centuries, became one of principal ingredient due to their pleasant aroma. A growing segment in beverage industry is craft beer, due to an increase in consumption and interest in craft and special beer by consumers. Craft beers has a main characteristic the introduction of spices that insure new aromas and flavors for beverages. Different types of special beers were produced in world, differing on composition of raw and flavorings materials. Medicinal plants are effective as food additives, have in their composition phenolic compounds, such as terpenes responsible for aroma in beers and flavonoids usually responsible for color, taste, lipid oxidation prevention, vitamins, and enzymes protection. Rubim (Leonurus sibiricus) and Mastruz (Chenopodium ambrosioides L.) are medicinal plants rich in terpenes, flavonoids and phenolic compounds which are associated with bitterness in plants and teas. These medicinal plants can be new ingredients for manufacturing, introducing new flavors for beverages. Rubim and Mastruz might be a potentially hops replacement, improving bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity of beers, and can be able to please a greater number of consumers.
AIMS. The objective of this study was characterized physicochemical properties of medicinal plants and produce beers with hops replacement following the proportion: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Evaluate physical-chemical properties, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and acceptability by consumers of beers made with medicinal plants.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. Rubim and Mastruz were obtained from southwest of Mato Grosso do Sul (22º 17’ 23” S, 53º 16’ 49” W), Brazil, sanitized in sodium hypochlorite, washed in distilled water, dried in oven with air circulation and ground at 60 mesh. Medicinal plants were analyzed for moisture, crude fiber, crude protein, ash, total fat, and total carbohydrate. The bioactive compounds (total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC)) and antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS assay), and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) was performed for medicinal plants. Beers were produced with hop bitterness replacement based on International Bitterness Units (IBU) of medicinal plants. The proportion of replacement was: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Beers with Rubim were nominated of BR25, BR50, BR75 and BR100. Beers with Mastruz of BM25, BM50, BM75 and BM100. Beer only hop was brewed and nominated beer standard (BS). Medicinal plants not mixed each other. Bioactive compounds (TPC and TFC), antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS assay), and IBU of wort before fermentation (WBF) and beers were analyzed. Acceptability of beers made with medicinal plants were evaluated by sensory analyzes and purchase intention.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The medicinal plants presented higher protein content than hops, and similarities between medicinal plants and hops were observed by FTIR spectrums. Hop replacement by Rubim and Mastruz to brewing did not have a significant difference in total soluble solids and alcohol by volume. Beer with hop replacement by 100% Rubim showed significant difference in pH and acidity, BR50 presented significant difference in color (EBC). Beer with hop replacement by 25% Rubim (BR25) presented higher TPC than beer standard (BS). Beer with hop replacement by 100% Mastruz (BM100) presented higher TPC and TFC than BS. Antioxidant activity of BR100 was higher than BS for DPPH assay. BM100 in both assays presented higher activity than BS. BM100 presented an increased in TPC from WBF for beer. Losses in TPC, DPPH and ABTS assay were observed between wort before fermentation (WBF) and beers. Correlations between bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity were found by Pearson Correlations. Replacement of hop decreased IBU with increased of replacement by medicinal plants. Gender influenced in acceptability of beers by sensorial analyzes. Women seek new flavors in beer, and are more tasters than men, which are more traditional and influential by friends. Beers with hop replacement were accepted by consumers. BR100 was less accept beer.
CONCLUSIONS. Hops replacement by medicinal plants improved bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of beers. International Bitterness Units (IBU) of beers was affected by hop replacement, yet bitterness intensity was felts by consumers sensorily. The hop replacement with 100% Mastruz pleasured consumers, especially women, which demonstrate these medicinal plants can be hop replacement, and that new ingredients will help craft beer industries in produce of new beverages.
Key words: Plant beer; medicinal plants; antioxidant capacity; gender preferences

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