Título da Dissertação: EFEITO DO PRODUTO HOMEOPÁTICO HomeoAqua Mega-3® NO PERFIL LIPÍDICO DA CABEÇA DE TILÁPIA DO NILO (Oreochromis niloticus)

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Lauro Daniel Vargas Mendes

Data da Defesa: 21/02/2013



Background: The effect of homeopathic product HomeoAqua Mega O3®, on lipid profile in head of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus).
Methods: We evaluated two diets, one control (T1) with 40 mL of a hydro-alcohol solution (alcohol 30 º GL) per kg of diet and the other (T2) with 40 mL / kg of the homeopathic product in juvenile Nile tilapia, with average weight of 89,54 g (± 7,97) and 89,74 g (± 8,83) and total average length of 16,93 cm (± 0,56) and 16,85 cm (± 0,56), respectively in the T1 and T2. 200 fish were distributed in 10 water tanks, totaling 20 animals in each of the boxes with individual capacity of 600L of water, where they remained for 63 days. During the experiment the physical and chemical parameters of water, determination of proximate composition, fatty acid composition of head of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) was monitored.
Results: It was not observed statistic difference between the treatments with respect to physical and chemical parameters of water, moisture, ash, protein, total lipids and average weight and length at the end of experimental period. The Nile tilápia who received homeopathic product HomeoAqua Mega-3 ® incorporated in the diet showed a ratio AGPI/AGS greater when compared to that of control group, showing statistical difference (p<0,05).
Conclusion: The tilapia's heads analyzed are an excellent source of energy, due to the high content of total lipids. The Nile tilápia who received homeopathic product HomeoAqua Mega-3 ® incorporated in the diet showed a ratio AGPI/AGS greater when compared to that of control group, did not alter the performance of animals during the experimental period.
Key-words: Homeopathy, population homeopathy, aquaculture, tilapia culture, total lipids,
fatty acids.


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