Orientador: Prof. Dr. Antônio Roberto Giriboni Monteiro

Data da Defesa: 23/03/2012



 INTRODUCTION Current changes in food consumption due to the demands generated by new urban way of life makes people need to restructure their lives according to the time, financial resources available to local food, shopping, among others. Industry and trade, in turn, are always alert to these changes, offering alternatives and exploring these niche markets (Garcia, 2003). Thus, the cereal bars has become a practical tool for quick and easy to use and does not require no preparation and can be a source of nutrients considered essential. The nutritional value have also been one of the main aspects considered in the preparation of this product being preferred with high fiber content and low fat or fat-free, but with a high intake of micronutrients (GUTKOSKI et al., 2007). According to Freitas and Moretti (2006), the association between cereal bars and healthy foods is a trend already documented in the food sector, which benefits the market for these products and at the same time requires the industry to search for new ingredients and formulations , seeking products with physico-chemical and nutritional properties capable of providing health benefits (BOWER and Whitten, 2001). However, these foods do not always bring health benefits, because the amounts present of some essential nutrients are not considered significant in relation to recommended. AIMS Develop a cereal bar enriched with iron, vitamin A, vitamin E and dietary fiber, which is a practical and easy alternative to achieve a significant amount of the recommended daily intake of these nutrients. MATERIALS AND METHODS.  This study was an experimental and longitudinal carater, performed at the Laboratory of Cereal Technology, State University of Maringá. For the development of cereal bars were used as raw oat fiber with high fiber content, provided by the company SL Alimentos de Mauá da Serra, PR, resistant starch, supplied by Corn Products Brazil-Ingred Industrial LTDA, Cidade Alta, SC, oat flakes, rice flakes, soy lecithin, invert sugar, glucose, vegetable, nut, golden flaxseed and salt purchased in local market in the city of Maringá / PR by the researchers. Sensory analysis was performed by acceptance by the hedonic scale of 1 to 9, for evaluation of texture and flavor. Analysis of the texture texturometer Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyser TAXT2i to determine the hardness of the bars. Nutritional composition determined in duplicate by means of moisture analysis (Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2005), total nitrogen, according to the micro-Kjeldahl method and converted into protein using the fator6, 25 (AOAC, 1990), total lipids , extracted by the technique of Bligh and Dyer (1959) and porteriorment determined by gravimetry, ash by incineration in a muffle furnace at 550 ° C and total dietary fiber by enzymatic-gravimetric method (AOAC, 1990). The total carbohydrates were estimated by difference, subtracting one hundred values obtained for moisture, protein, fat and ash. From the data of proximate composition, energy value of the samples was estimated considering the Atwater conversion factors of 4, 4 and 9 kcal / g for protein, carbohydrate and lipid, respectively (Merrill and Watt, 1973). The iron content was quantified by the method of determination of minerals by atomic absorption spectrometry with flame (Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2008). And vitamin A and E were measured respectively by the methods of determination of vitamin A and vitamin E (tocopherols total) in foodstuffs, in accordance with the Institute Adolfo Lutz (2008). The statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance two-factor without replication (ANOVA) and calculation of means by Tukey (p> 0.05) by means of software STATISTIC 6.0 (2001). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
From technological point of view all of the formulations allow the forming and cutting a uniform manner. The formulations with better sensory acceptance were F3, F7 and F10 and the addition of different amounts of vitamins and iron did not affect the sensory characteristics. Based on the results of texture was observed that the different formulations do not significantly affect the texture of Cereals bars. The bar had produced relatively low moisture content, formulation F3 showed 10.43% moisture, and the highest value, which is consistent with the legislation establishing the moisture cereal bars should be less than 15.0% (Resolution RDC No. 263 of September 22, 2005) (BRAZIL, 2005). The ash contents were similar to those reported by Lee et al. (2010), which ranged from 1.33 g/100 g and 1.44 g/100 g. The values found in this study were lower than 2.74 g/100 g found by Bau et al. (2010), bars with high protein content. Protein concentrations were similar to the bars found in commercial cereal bars (about 6.5 g/100 g). The lipid content found in all three formulations was approximately 9 g/100 g, somewhat below that of commercial cereal bars which have an average of 11 g/100 g of nitrogen. The cereal bars present high content of carbohydrates, similar to commercial bars due to the high concentration of cereals and the addition of glucose and invert sugar, which is the nutrient that most contributes to the energy value of the product. It is also important to note that in relation to concentrations of dietary fiber, the samples showed levels of 18.7 g/100 g and 21.35 g/100 g (F3), it is emphasized that the test of analysis of variance (STATISTIC 6.0 ) it was evident that the three formulations differed in relation to fiber content (95% significance) and values higher than those of cereal bars and commercial bars homemade (Brito et al., 2004) showed that, on average, 3.44 g/100 g. The high content of fiber have revealed that the cereal bars have investigated the allegation of functional food formulations because it was obtained with values above those established by legislation (BRAZIL, 2005), which is at least 3 grams of fiber per 100 g product and can be framed in a high content attribute. There was good preservation of Vitamin A and E after processing of the cereal bars, added to the formulation in 1920 mcg and 36 mg for vitamins A and E respectively. The values were higher than those found in commercial cereal bars (90 mcg and 1 mg) respectively. The iron content was higher than that found by Davis and Moretti (2006), who reported values similar to those shown in foods such as nuts (5.5 mg/100 g) and wheat (5.0 mg/100 g) and the bar Commercial (2.1 mg). The energy values estimated for cereal bars varied between 311 Kcal/100 g and 328 Kcal/100 g, the total caloric content of the cereal bars decrease with increased fiber content, as well as the work performed by Gutkoski et al. (2007). CONCLUSION. The cereal bars formulated fortified with vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber were well accepted. The addition of iron, vitamin A and vitamin E did not influence the acceptability of the product and improve its nutritional value. Although grittiness to give the product using high concentrations of oat fiber in the formulation enabled the production of cereal bars with a high dietary fiber content. The use of resistant starch as a source of dietary fiber did not hinder the acceptance of the product, as the F10 was the formulation that contained a higher concentration of this ingredient and was among the three most widely accepted. Although no significant difference, the sensory point of view, between the formulations F3, F7 and F10, we conclude that the formulation F3 enriched with minerals and vitamins is the best because it showed a higher content of fiber, vitamin A, iron and lower calorific value.

Keywords. Cereal Bars; functional foods; dietary fiber.

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