Título da Tese: Avaliação do estado oxidativo e parâmetros relacionados e da qualidade do tecido muscular em tilápias do Nilo com a utilização do produto homeopático Homeopatila 100®

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Pereira Ribeiro

 Data da Defesa: 14/02/2017



We used the homepathic produc Homeopatila 100® in the cultivation of Nile tilapias as stress reducer and assessed through of oxidative state and related parameters. Two diets were assessed: 1 (control) - 40 ml of hydroalcoholic solution per kg of food; 2 (Homeopatila 100® ) - 40 ml of the product per kg of food. During the experiment, we monitored of the physical, chemical parameters of the water. Male fries of Nile tilapia were distributed randomly in ten water tanks for 91 days. In the end of the experimental period, we assessed the oxidative state and related parameters, by analyzing the protein 11 carbonyl, GSH, and antioxidant enzymes (CAT, SOD, GR, and GPx) in the livers of tilapias. Results demonstrate that the product Homeopatila 100® employed in Nile tilapia cultivation did not present statistically significant alterations for stress parameters.

Key Words: Oreochromis niloticus, populational homeopathy, Tilapia cultivation, oxidative state, enzymes


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